Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Author Julia Spencer Fleming at the Goodwin Library

Last Wednesday, May 6th, we hosted the award winning author Julia Spencer-Fleming. Mary McHale from Fox Tale Books in New Durham sponsored the event and she brought a table full of Julia's books to sell. People came from as far away as Guilford to be there and there were some anxious moments regarding a time mix-up, but everyone hung out and chatted and had a good time waiting for her arrival.
After an hour or so of listening to Julia's hilarious and insightful stories of how she became a published author, and then a published author with a whole series, she opened the floor to questions. And there were a lot. Most of the attendees had read the whole series and asked great questions about the characters and wanted hints about her upcoming new title in the series "One Was A Soldier" due Oct. 27th.

Afterwards, Julia signed books for everyone who brought one or bought one from Mary McHale, and graciously signed the rest of the books Mary had brought. Julia's friend Mary Weyer, Director of the Salmon Falls library, came with her and we all had a good time talking till almost 10 PM.

The good news is that Julia has promised to come back in the fall when she tours for the new book, so we'll keep you posted!
For those of you who haven't read Julia's books, we have them all here at the library. Start with "In the Bleak MidWinter" and then be sure to read the titles in order so you, too, can become obsessed with Episcopalian Priest/Ex Military Helicopter pilot Claire Fergusson and Police Chief Russ Van Alstyne and the world of Miller's Kill.